Sunday 14 October 2012

An introduction to a new heart valve and more!

Hi there, this is my first serious attempt at doing a blog. A recent visitor to our home thought that it would be a good idea, and having had a few days to think about it, here it is. It may be a little rough and amateur to begin with, but hopefully it might give some insight into the process we have been through as a family in the last few weeks.

I found out 10 years ago or so that I would eventually need a new aortic valve.  Having had admissions with high blood pressure and chest pains Echocardiograms found that my aortic valve was compromised and needed surveilance and ultimately replacement. As a Doctor that really wasn't what I wanted to hear! It is something that happens to your patients, not to you /me!! I was supposed to be the one to refer and support and care for those that had these problems. Friends and patients have always said to me that doctors are not supposed to get ill!! If only that was true and we somehow not only developed a high level of immunity to the everyday viruses that used to come our way, so even the snottiest child